Troubled Times

Publié le par Litchi

It's time like these where we need real heroes.


Like Bat-totoro!!!



Bat-totoro is who we need to make the streets of gotamu-shitchi finally safe.





We most certainly don't need this, though:







But i'm pretty sure we need more of that:





And that:


super héros


And before i go, i'd like to make sure everyone remembers that France has her super hero too. Yes, we do. We have SUPER DUPONT!!!


super-dupont-2.jpg  super dupont



Created by our national genius from the 70's: Marcel Gotlib.




Also: this looks to me like a completely insane and dangerous cat villain. I am scared!!! 





Oh thank god! here comes a cat-hero! we're saved.


super-cat.jpg(no but really - who does that to their cat????)





All right, i think we're good for now. Troubled times - taken care of!



Publié dans fun fun fun fun

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